Abstract Guideline

Abstracts should be 300 words.
All abstracts should be prepared in Microsoft Word.
The title should be written in bold and capital letters, typed in 12 pt, centered and using the Cambria font.
The author (s) should specify their name in the Cambria font, in 10 font size, just below the title as aligned to the right.
The names of the institution and the department and the e-mail address should be added as footnote by putting “*” symbol to the end of the name at the bottom of the page.
Margins: 2.5 cm from the top, 2.0 cm from the bottom, 2.5 cm from the left and 2.5 cm from the right.
The space between the lines should be 6 nk, and the text should be written in 10 point Cambria.
Abstracts should be prepared to give the reader a general understanding of the main argument of the related manuscript and should not be exceeded 300 words for both the Turkish and English abstracts including title and author information.
At the end of the abstracts, there should be a maximum of 5 keywords.
The abstracts will first be examined by the editors in terms of their compatibility with the symposium themes and they are checked according to the formal specifications given above.  If they would be satisfactory at this stage they will be submitted to the Symposium Board for double blind refereed evaluation.
Upload your abstracts online after registering at kayıt/registration at http://symposium.masculinitiesjournal.org/ .