
  • Role of men and masculinities in authoritarian political agendas, political organisations, policies, and political discourse
  • Influences of hierarchical divisions along national/transnational, local/global, and Global North/Global South relating to men’s experiences and conceptions of masculinities.
  • The ways in which the strategies and practices of movements for gender equality need to change in the current sociopolitical atmosphere
  • The part masculinities play in the ongoing wars, ethnic and religious conflicts, local resistance movements, and collective visions for the future
  • Militarization, military expenditures, peacekeeping operations of transnational organizations, and peace activism
  • Sexualities, bodies, desires, pornography
  • Intimacy, emotions, affects, subjectivities
  • Neoliberal economic policies, structures of employment, sexual division of labour
  • Sexual identities, ambiguity and fluidity in and queering of masculinities, performativity
  • Influences of feminist and LGBTI+ movements on masculinity studies and their affinities
  • Uses and usefulness of the current concepts of masculinity studies in the struggle against sexism and heterosexism
  • Masculinity studies and the hierarchies within the academia and the knowledge production processes